The card owner is responsible for the contract. You can delegate, under your responsibility, driving to another person by declaring it in the Contract and at no cost, as long as you have a driver's license and are over 26 years of age.
In the event of a loss or accident of any nature, the lessee must notify PERU RENT A CAR S.A.C. at the time it happens. In addition, you must provide details of the events and damages to the vehicle and to third parties, agreeing to wait for the insurance representatives (motorized), who will assess the severity of the damage. Likewise, the lessee accepts all responsibility for the payment of the deductible/franchise and lost profits according to the contract.
Against all risk
This coverage covers: Traffic accidents, fire, total theft or partial theft of the vehicle.
Likewise, this coverage covers the total value of the damage up to the limit of the commercial value of the rented vehicle.
The lessee will assume a minimum responsibility of deductible or excess of US$ 500.00 or 15% of the value of the accident.
Costs less than US$ 500.00, it will not be necessary to use the insurance and will be assumed by the lessee.
The use of the rented vehicle in contravention of the law or the conditions of the Rental Agreement, automatically cancels this coverage.
Mandatory Traffic Accident Insurance SOAT
The SOAT covers death and bodily injury suffered by people, whether they are occupants or third parties who are not occupants of a vehicle, as a result of a traffic accident in which said vehicle has been involved.
Las coberturas del SOAT son:
(UIT value / year 2020 S/ 4,300.00 Nuevos Soles)
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